Superhero Comics

You’ll find here all comics stories and Characters related to Superheroes comics in this section

Thor by Jason Aaron Reading Order

Thor by Jason Aaron Reading Order – Road to War of the Realms

I will start this review saying that, much to my own surprise, the Thor by Jason Aaron run is one the sagas I enjoyed the most during the last years of comics. But also, finding Jason Aaron’s run on Thor is quite confusing for someone who wasn´t following the title (as I was) due to […]

Winter Soldier: Second Chances (2019)

The Winter Soldier: Second Chances paperback collects Winter Soldier (2019) 1 to 5, it’s written by Kyle Higgins and with nice art by Rod Reis. I started reading this series and I really didn’t give much about the first two issues. Bucky (sorry, Winter Soldier…) turned into some kind of repo man that get’s informants […]

Image of Daredevil in the fire from Born Again

The Best Daredevil Comics & sagas that you MUST read!

Daredevil is, without a doubt, one of best heroes in comics. So it’s natural that any reader wants to know which are the best Daredevil comics to read to fully understand Daredevil’s story. I believe that Daredevil was one the characters that got some of the best talents in comics, at the best time of […]